Stain Removal Suggestions


1. Alcoholic Beverages

Pre-soak stain with cold water, then with cold water and glycerin. If stains remain rinse with vinegar for a few seconds. These stains may turn brown with age. Launder with fabric safe bleach.


2. Grease (butter, oil, mayonnaise)

Suggestion 1. Start with a solvent. Follow up with mineral water or an oil solvent if necessary. Suggestion 2. Rub spot with lard then sponge with a non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash in hottest water and detergent safe for fabric.

3. Blood

Treat with hydrogen peroxide, then soak freshly stained table linen in cold water for 30 minutes. Rub detergent into any remaining stain. Rinse and then launder.


4. Egg

Suggestion 1. Scrape with dull blade. Pre-soak in warm water for 40 minutes. Remove grease with dry cleaning solvent. Wash in hottest water safe for fabric, with detergent. Suggestion 2. Pretreat with an enzyme product (like ERA) for 30 minutes for new stains, or several hours for aged stains, then launder.


5. Juice and Jam

Start with denatured alcohol. Flush with vinegar to remove remaining color. Wash with detergent and fabric safe bleach.


6. Mustard

Treat with a rewash stain remover, or dampen with water and rub with bar soap. Launder with fabric safe bleach.


7. Fruit and Fruit Juices

Soak fabric in cold water. Wash with detergent and bleach safe for fabric.


8. Coffee

Suggestion 1: Sponge with cold water as soon as possible. Wash, using detergent and bleach safe for fabric. Remove cream grease stain with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash again. Suggestion 2: Stretch fabric over a bowl and pour water through stain. Wipe with sponge soaked in a solution of half water, half white vinegar. Rinse to remove vinegar.


9. Candle Wax

Harden with ice, then use a dull knife to scrape off as much wax as possible. Place fabric between two blotters or facial tissues and press with a warm iron. Remove color stain with nonflammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash with detergent in the hottest water safe for fabric.


10. Dye

Immediately bleach discolored items. Repeat as necessary before drying. On whites use color remover.


11. Chocolate

Treat the stain with a prewash spray. If stain remains, re-launder with bleach


12. Soft Drinks

Sponge immediately with cold water and alcohol. Heat and detergent may set stain.


13. Milk, Cream

Pre-soak in cold or warm water for 30 minutes. Wash. Sponge any grease spots with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Wash again.


14. Tea

Flush with lemon juice to remove color, then stronger bleach if necessary.


15. Lipstick

Loosen stain with a non-flammable dry-cleaning solvent, or use a prewash soil and stain remover. Rub detergent in until stain outline is gone. Wash in hot water and detergent safe for fabric.


16. Meat Juices

Scrape with dull blade. Pre-soak in cold or warm water for 30 minutes. Wash with detergent and bleach safe for fabric.


17. Red Wine

Suggestion 1. Pour salt over the fresh red wine stain and let stand for five minutes. Stretch fabric over a bowl and pour boiling water through salt and stain. Remove any Residual stain with a solution of half vinegar, half water and rinse. Suggestion 2. Pour white wine over the fresh red wine stain. Treat as a white wine stain using soap and water and blot.


18. Ink- Ball-Point Pen

Suggestion 1. Ballpoint ink stains can be placed stain face down on white paper towels. Pour denatured alcohol through stain. Rub in petroleum jelly. Sponge with non-flammable dry cleaning solvent. Soak in detergent solution. Wash with detergent and bleach safe for fabric. Rinse and repeat treatment if necessary. Suggestion 2. Spray with hairspray, then wash with detergent in cold water. Rinse and repeat if necessary before drying – heat will set stain.